Procedure descriptions

Apply for a citizenship card

You can prove that you have German citizenship with a citizenship card. This proof is binding for all authorities.

The citizenship authority will determine whether or not you have German citizenship.

To do so, you must demonstrate a legitimate interest.

As a rule, proof of citizenship is only required if

  • german citizenship is in doubt or
  • documentary proof of its existence is required by a German or foreign public authority.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

The citizenship authority in

  • Districts: the district office
  • independent cities: the city administration



The competent authority can only issue a citizenship card if it has established that you are a German citizen.

To do this, it checks whether and how you acquired German citizenship

  • have acquired or
  • have lost it again.


Some citizenship authorities offer an online application. You can find out whether the citizenship authority responsible for you also has an online application by entering your place of residence in the "Online application" field. Otherwise, you can apply for a citizenship card informally.

If you can prove that you have German citizenship, you will be issued with a citizenship card.
If you are not a German citizen, the authorities will issue a certificate of non-existence of German citizenship upon request.

In addition to your personal details, information about the persons from whom you derive your citizenship is also required.
Ask the authorities for advice on this.



Required documents

You must prove that you have German citizenship.

You can prove with sufficient probability that you have acquired German citizenship and have not lost it again by means of

  • Documents,
  • Extracts from the population registers or
  • other written evidence.

The following documents may be useful:

  • Documents on parentage and marital status:
    Birth or parentage certificates, marriage certificates, copies/excerpts from the family register
  • Documents on the acquisition of German citizenship:
    Naturalisation certificates, award certificates, admission certificates, certificates/documents on the acquisition of German citizenship by declaration or option, appointment certificates in the case of civil servants, assessment notices on the acquisition of citizenship through service in the former German armed forces and other associations
  • Documents relating to membership of the group of persons to whom collective naturalisation applied:
    ID cards for displaced persons, late resettler certificates (in accordance with Section 15 (1) and (2) BVFG), ethnic list ID cards, certificates of ethnicity or other documents relating to German ethnicity, proof of (former) right of origin, citizenship or residence in the areas concerned, certificates of waiver of the right of renunciation
  • Documents on the acquisition of legal status as a German or German without German citizenship:
    Expellee ID cards, late repatriate certificates (in accordance with Section 15 (1) and (2) BVFG),
    (old) refugee ID cards, registration certificates, registration confirmations or registration certificates
  • Documents regarding possession of German citizenship or legal status as a German:
    Proof of citizenship, certificate of origin, certificates/ID cards regarding legal status as a German, passports, ID cards and other identity documents (including old ones), extracts from (former) family registers, citizen lists or citizen directories, documents regarding military service or employment as a civil servant, registration confirmations, registration certificates, documents regarding authorisation to retain German citizenship

Bring what you have with you. The Citizenship Office will help you to check your documents.


51,00 EUR



Legal basis

Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz (StAG):

  • § 30

Bundesvertriebenengesetz (BVFG):

  • § 15 Absatz 1 und 2

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 14.11.2024