Point of Single Contact
Was ist ein einheitlicher Ansprechpartner?

The point of single contact is part of a Europe-wide network that can provide you with online access to administrative services. It will tell you about the requirements that must be met before you start your service activities, and will act as a link between different agencies and chambers. This will enable you to realise your business projects quickly.
Article 6 of the Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market states:
Member States shall ensure that it is possible for providers to complete the following procedures and formalities through points of single contact:
- all procedures and formalities needed for access to his serviceactivities, in particular, all declarations, notifications or applications necessary for authorisation from the competent authorities, including applications for inclusion in a register, a roll or a database, or for registration with a professional body or association;
- any applications for authorisation needed to exercise his service activities.