Procedure descriptions

Apply for backfilling and excavation

You may require authorisation for backfilling or excavation. This depends in particular on the location and size of the backfill or excavation.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

The lower administrative authorities are responsible.

The lower administrative authority is

  • if you live in an urban district: the city administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the district administration



You require authorisation for the following earth fills/excavations:

  • The backfill/excavation is located in an outdoor area and
  • the backfill/excavation is more than two metres high or deep or it covers more than 500 square metres.

Even if you do not require a permit (e.g. for small backfills), you must note that backfills/excavations are generally not permitted on certain excluded areas, that certain points must be observed on agricultural land, that there are certain suitability requirements for the excavated soil and that the consent of the municipality is required.

Land fills and excavations are deemed to be building structures within the meaning of Section 2 of the State Building Regulations for Baden-Württemberg (LBO). The provisions of nature conservation law, water law, soil protection and waste law must be observed for landfills/excavations.


If you are planning a backfill or excavation, you should contact the responsible authority in advance and, if necessary, apply for a permit afterwards. The information required for this will be automatically forwarded to the relevant authorities once it has been entered in the service portal.


It is advisable to contact the responsible authority as early as possible. It is conceivable that further questions or additional requirements may arise regarding your application, which may take additional time. You should contact your competent authority at least one month before the start of the project.

Required documents

The required documents and information are requested in the service portal. Which documents and information are required varies from case to case. Necessary documents may include

  • Details of the order area
  • Details of the planned application measure
  • Details of the excavated soil


The costs depend on the application (What are you applying for? What is the cost to the authority?) and can vary from authority to authority.



Legal basis

Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG)

  • § 17 Absatz 3 Verfahren; Ermächtigung zum Erlass von Rechtsverordnungen

Gesetz des Landes Baden-Württemberg zum Schutz der Natur und zur Pflege der Landschaft - Landesnaturschutzgesetz (NatSchG)

  • § 17 Zuständigkeit und Verfahren bei Eingriffen
  • § 19 Absatz 1 Nummer 2 Genehmigung

Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Bodenveränderungen und zur Sanierung von Altlasten - Bundesbodenschutzgesetz (BBodenSchG)

  • § 6 Auf- und Einbringen von Materialien auf oder in den Boden
  • § 7 Vorsorgepflicht
  • § 10 Sonstige Anordnungen

Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung (BBodSchV)

  • § 12 Orientierende Untersuchung

Landesbauordnung für Baden-Württemberg (LBO)

  • § 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 Begriffe
  • § 50 Absatz 1 Verfahrensfreie Vorhaben
  • Nummer 11 Buchstabe e des Anhangs zu § 50 Absatz 1 

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 07.06.2024