Procedure descriptions

Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate

Infectious diseases can be transmitted to other people via food.

If you come into contact with food at work or clean objects such as dishes, the risk of this transmission route should be minimised.

You therefore need a certificate from the public health department stating that you have attended an instruction session on this risk.

The same applies if you

  • regularly work in the kitchens of restaurants or
  • catering establishments or other communal catering facilities.

Note: This certificate replaces the previous health certificates in accordance with the Federal Epidemics Act. If you already have a health certificate, you do not need to attend an instruction session. The old certificates remain valid.

Simplified instruction

For voluntary helpers at club parties and similar events, it is sufficient to read the information sheet on the prevention of foodborne infections.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

the public health department

Health authority is,

  • if you live in Stuttgart, Mannheim or Heilbronn: the respective city administration
  • otherwise the district office.



  • For example, you come into contact with the following foods during your work:
    • Meat, poultry meat and products thereof
    • Milk and milk-based products
    • Fish, crustaceans or molluscs and products thereof
    • Egg products
    • Infant and baby food
    • Ice cream and semi-finished ice cream products
    • Baked goods
    • Delicatessen, raw food and potato salads
    • Sprouts and seedlings
      Coming into contact means direct contact with your hands or contact via objects such as crockery or cutlery.
  • Or you work in kitchens in catering establishments, restaurants, canteens, cafés or other facilities with or for communal catering.

Anyone can obtain the certificate on application. However, the public health department will not issue the certificate as long as there are indications of a disease listed in Section 42 Paragraph 1 IfSG.


For the instruction, you must either make an appointment with your local health authority ("instruction in presence") or you can make use of the option to be instructed online ("online instruction"). After the instruction - both in person and online - you will be issued with a certificate of attendance.

After the instruction, you must declare in writing that you are not aware of any facts that would prohibit you from working.

You will then receive the certificate of attendance.

If there is a suspicion that you cannot obtain the certificate, for example in the case of a food-borne illness, you will only receive the certificate once a doctor has ruled out the suspicion of illness on the basis of an examination.

The content of the certificate is that you have been instructed about your legal obligations, in particular about which infectious disease you are prohibited from working in the food sector.


You may only commence activities in the area of food preparation, food sales or catering if you have the certificate. This certificate must not be older than three months when you first start working.

Your employer must also instruct you about the activity bans and the obligation after you start work and every two years thereafter. The certificate and the most recent documentation of the instruction must be kept by the employer.

Required documents

  • for in-person instruction: valid ID with picture, e.g. passport or ID card
  • for online instruction: service account at, as well as electronic ID card or digital copy of the ID card/passport (in bmp, jpg, png, tif or tiff format)


  • In the case of instruction in person: enquire about the costs incurred when making the appointment. These may vary depending on the district. Fees may also vary depending on the purpose of the instruction. Expect to pay around EUR 35.00. In some districts, the fees for pupils, students and trainees are slightly lower.
  • For online instruction: Fees may vary depending on the responsible health authority and the purpose of the instruction. These are displayed in the online application and paid online.



Legal basis

Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG):

  • § 42 Tätigkeits- und Beschäftigungsverbote
  • § 43 Belehrung, Bescheinigung des Gesundheitsamtes

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 26.02.2025