Procedure descriptions

Applying for a replacement driving licence - after loss or theft

You must report the loss or theft of your driving licence as soon as possible. You will need a replacement driving licence.

If you find the driving licence you thought you had lost after the replacement licence has been issued, you must hand in the old licence at the driving licence office.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

the driving licence office of your place of residence

Is the driving licence office,

  • if you live in an urban district: the city administration
  • if you live in a rural district: the district office



Loss or theft of driving licence


The application must be submitted in writing to the driving licence office in your place of residence or, if offered by the competent authority, as an online application. If you apply in writing, you can obtain the application form from the driving licence office. You can also submit the written application including the required evidence and documents there.

For the online application, please use the link on this page. You can upload the required evidence and documents as file attachments as part of the online application.

You will receive a certificate stating that you have applied for a replacement driving licence for checks (e.g. by the police). This certificate does not constitute a driving licence or proof of driving authorisation.

Another person with written authorisation can also collect the driving licence from you.

On presentation of all the necessary documents, the competentnthe driving licence by post on request. Anotherwise, you will be notified that you can collect your driving licence from the driving licence office.

For an extra fee, you can request an express ordernorder. This will shorten the waiting time for your new driving licence. Please contact your local authority for more information.


You must report the loss or theft of your driving licence as soon as possible.

Required documents


Depending on the city or district, you will incur different costs.


In the event of theft, you can obtain a certificate of loss from the police in Germany.

Please note: Driving licences issued in card format from 19 January 2013 are limited to 15 years. However, the time limit only applies to the driving licence document. It must be renewed every 15 years. Regular medical examinations or other tests are not associated with the document exchange.

Legal basis

Fahrerlaubnisverordnung (FeV):

  • § 25 Ausfertigung des Führerscheins

Straßenverkehrsgesetz (StVG):

  • § 2 Fahrerlaubnis und Führerschein

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 15.01.2025