Procedure descriptions

Applying for initial registration of a vehicle (new registration)

If you want to use a new motor vehicle on the road for the first time, it must be registered. This also applies to trailers.

The registration authorises you to

  • drive the vehicle on the road and
  • park the vehicle in public areas

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

locally competent vehicle registration authority



  • You have a new vehicle.
  • The normal location of this vehicle is in the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • You have no outstanding fees and expenses from previous registration processes of more than EUR 30.
  • You have no motor vehicle tax debts of EUR 5 or more. This also includes late payment penalties, interest and late payment penalties.


You or your representative submit the application for this initial registration to the local vehicle registration authority.

So-called holder data is recorded during the registration process.

  • for natural persons:
  • Surname, maiden name, first names,
    • if applicable, religious or stage name,
    • Date and place of birth or, if this is not known, state of birth,
    • Gender and address
  • for legal persons and authorities:
    • Name or designation and
    • Address
  • for associations:
    • Representation with data by natural or legal person
    • Name of the association

After successful registration, you will receive the registration documents. The registration authority will assign you a licence plate number.


There is no deadline.

Required documents

  • if available: completed application forms
  • valid identification document: identity card or passport of the vehicle owner; if the passport is presented, a current registration certificate is also required
  • Registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document) or, in the case of unregistered vehicles, the operating licence
  • the EC Certificate of Conformity (CoC), or data confirmation or full expert opinion
  • Proof of ownership: purchase contract or invoice
  • Proof of valid motor vehicle liability insurance (eVB number)
  • Bank details for the SEPA direct debit mandate to pay the vehicle tax

if you are represented by a third party:

  • Your written authorisation and original identification document; The authorised person must be able to identify themselves with a valid identity card or passport.
  • in the case of authorisation for minors: the written declaration of consent from the legal guardians and their original identity documents
  • if applicable, a certificate of sole custody ("negative certificate") for single parents

for changes to the vehicle:

  • Presentation of an operating licence


  • Administrative fee: EUR 12.80 for initial registration via an i-KFZ portal
  • Administrative fee: EUR 30.00 for initial registration at the local vehicle registration authority
  • Administrative fee: EUR 10.20 for the choice of a preferred licence plate number

Processing time

Processing usually takes place immediately.



Legal basis

Fahrzeugzulassungsverordnung (FZV)

  • § 6 (FZV) Antrag auf Zulassung
  • § 3 Abs. 1, 4 (FZV) Notwendigkeit einer Zulassung

Anlage Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr (GebOSt) - Einzelnorm Ziffer 221

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 19.02.2024