Procedure descriptions

Housing promotion - applying for promotion of the acquisition of cooperative shares

As a private person, you can receive funding for the purchase of cooperative shares for owner-occupied housing within the framework of the applicable state housing promotion programme.

The funding is provided in the form of loans as well as grants. The low-interest loans are limited in time.

As a cooperative member, you must make use of the subsidised cooperative housing right for a certain period of time.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

  • in rural districts: the housing promotion office in the district administration office
  • in urban districts: the housing promotion office in the mayor's office of the place of construction



The main requirements for the grant are:

  • The total annual income must not exceed the relevant income limit for your household.
  • Your household must not already have adequate housing of its own.
  • The future living space must be located in the defined assisted area.
  • The future dwelling size must be adequate. For more information, see the Ministry of Economic Affairs' notes on the amendment of the State Housing Promotion Act and the implementation notes on the State Housing Promotion Act.


You must apply for the funding at the responsible office (Wohnraumförderungsstelle). You can obtain the application forms from the housing promotion office or via the portal of the Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg - Förderbank (L-Bank). The Housing Promotion Agency will forward complete and eligible applications to the L-Bank for further processing.

You can also obtain further information and advice on your specific project from the relevant office. The L-Bank can help you with financing questions in particular by calling 0800/150-3030 (free of charge from a German landline or German mobile network and provider; Mon. - Fri. 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.).

Please note: As a rule, you may not start the project until you have received written funding approval from the L-Bank. An early start of the project will lead to the rejection of the funding, unless the responsible office agrees to it.


In principle, there is no application deadline.

Required documents

You must enclose some documents with the application. Information on the required documents can be found on application form 9019 on the L-Bank homepage.


As a rule, no costs are incurred for counselling and application.


You have no legal claim to funding. A legal claim can only be established by a funding commitment from the granting agency (L-Bank).

Release note

  • 31.08.2023 Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg