Procedure descriptions

Immission control - Display change of operator of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV

As the operator of a combustion plant (medium-sized combustion plant, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plant), you are obliged to notify the responsible immission control authority of a change of operator immediately, but within one month at the latest.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

The responsibilities in the area of immission control are regulated in the Immission Control Competence Ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

In most cases, the competent authority for an installation that falls under the scope of the 44th BImSchV is the local lower immission control authority:

  • the district office, if the premises with the plant are located in a district,
  • the city administration if the premises with the plant are located in a city district.

A different responsibility applies in the following cases (among others, for companies that are subject to the European Industrial Emissions Directive, the Hazardous Incident Ordinance or mining law):

Departments 5 - Environment of the respective locally responsible regional councils are the competent immission control authorities for company premises on which:

  • at least one installation that is labelled with the letter E in column d of Annex 1 of the Ordinance on Installations Requiring a Permit,
  • at least one operating area in accordance with Section 3 (5a) of the Federal Immission Control Act (hazardous incident operation),
  • at least one installation that requires a licence pursuant to Section 60 (3) sentence 1 no. 2 or no. 3 of the Federal Water Act, or
  • at least one landfill in accordance with Article 10 in conjunction with Annex I of Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), as amended

exists or is to be established.

Department 9 - State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining of the Freiburg Regional Council is also the state-wide competent immission control authority for:

  • Operational sites including the facilities and activities located thereon that are subject to mining supervision,
  • Operating sites with cable cars and funicular railways used for passenger transport,
  • Operating sites with high-pressure gas pipelines which, as energy installations within the meaning of the Energy Industry Act, serve to supply gas and which are designed for a maximum permissible operating pressure of more than 16 bar,
  • Underground waste disposal facilities and
  • Operating sites with facilities used for the construction, significant expansion and significant modification of underground cavities.

Please ensure that you submit your notification of a change of operator to the responsible immission control authority.



You would like to change the operator of a medium-sized combustion, gas turbine or internal combustion engine plant.


The change of operator must be notified electronically to the competent authority.

The authority checks the notification formally and for completeness.

If the notification is incomplete, the competent authority will issue a notification.

Once the check has been passed, the competent authority will enter the changes in the register of installations .



The change of operator must be reported immediately, but at the latest within one month.

Required documents

Complete electronic display




Please make sure that you submit the notification to the immission control authority responsible for your combustion plant.

Legal basis

Verordnung über mittelgroße Feuerungs-, Gasturbinen- und Verbrennungsmotoranlagen (44. BImSchV):

  • § 6 Registrierung von Feuerungsanlagen

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 31.10.2024