Procedure descriptions

Notify change of operator of a system for handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV system, except heating oil consumer system and JGS system)

When taking over an existing installation for handling substances hazardous to water, you as the new operator of the installation are obliged to notify the competent authority of this change of operator without delay. With the notification, you provide the competent authority with information on the previous and new operators, the owner and the takeover of the installation. The obligation to notify does not generally apply to heating oil consumer plants and slurry, liquid manure and silage seepage plants (JGS plants). However, by notifying the competent authority of a change of operator for such installations, you facilitate communication

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

The locally competent regional councils are responsible as higher water authorities if the notification relates to a site on which at least one installation exists or is planned,

  • which is subject to the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (installation in Annex 1 column d of the Ordinance on Installations Subject to Authorisation, marked with the letter E),
  • which constitutes an operating area pursuant to Section 3 (5a) of the Federal Immission Control Act (hazardous incident facility) or
  • which is subject to authorisation pursuant to Section 60 (3) sentence 1 numbers 2 and 3 of the Federal Water Act.

In all other cases

in an urban district: the city administration,

in a rural district: the district administration,

as the lower water authority.



The prerequisite is a system subject to mandatory testing in which substances hazardous to water are handled.


  • You fill in the forms required for the notification and send them to the competent authority by post or e-mail or use the online service.
  • The competent authority will check your documents for completeness and request any missing information or documents.
  • The content requirements are also checked, which may also result in additional claims.
  • If there are no objections, your application data will be entered into the authority's specialised procedure.


The change of operator must be reported immediately in writing or online.

Required documents

Completed notification form


Fees are only due if the competent authority has to order additional measures. Fees are calculated on the basis of the legal ordinance and statutes of the relevant competent authority and the provisions of the State Fees Act.

Processing time

Processing takes between 2 and 6 weeks.


If you have any questions, please contact the responsible authority. You can also consult the map service of the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment at . Flood hazard maps can be viewed at

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.06.2024