Procedure descriptions

Show non-profit and commercial waste collections

If you collect recyclable waste, i.e. recyclable materials from private households, you must give prior notification of the collection. You must state whether you are operating on a commercial or non-profit basis

For example, street or container collections of textiles and shoes, as well as waste paper collection centres, must be notified.

The collection may be prohibited, limited or subject to conditions by the competent authority.

  • Recyclable materials from private households must be handed over. This means that they must always be handed over to the public waste management organisations.
  • the commercial or non-profit collection of recyclable materials (recyclable waste) is only permitted if this has been reported to the competent authority;
  • notified collections may be prohibited or restricted by the competent authority
  • mixed waste from private households may not be collected commercially or for charitable purposes (e.g. bulky waste)

Electronic waste (defective old electrical appliances) can be returned to the public waste disposal organisations or dealers who are obliged to take it back.

Responsible department

Lower administrative authorities as lower waste legislation authorities at the city and district level.



  • The purpose must be the collection of waste from private households for commercial or charitable purposes.
  • The collection must not conflict with any public interests.
  • The waste must be recycled properly and without causing damage.
  • There are no known facts that give rise to concerns about the reliability of the collector.


The processing of the notification begins when you submit the complete notification documents.

For notifications of commercial collections, the respective public waste management organisation will be asked to comment.

The collection is deemed to be authorised if it is not prohibited.


three months before the start of the collection

Required documents

  • Information on the size and organisation of the collection company,
  • Information on the type, scope and duration, in particular the maximum possible scope and minimum duration of the collection,
  • Information on the type, quantity and whereabouts of the waste to be recycled,
  • a description of the recovery routes planned within the notified period, including the measures required to ensure their capacity, and
  • a description of how the proper and safe recovery of the collected waste will be ensured.


A fee is set based on the time and effort required to process the notification.

Processing time

1 to 4 weeks


Anyone who fails to report a charitable or commercial collection, or fails to report it correctly or on time, is committing an administrative offence. This can be penalised with a fine of up to EUR 10,000.

Legal basis

Gesetz zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Sicherung der umweltverträglichen Bewirtschaftung von Abfällen (KrWG):

  • § 17 Überlassungspflichten
  • § 18 Anzeigeverfahren für Sammulungen
  • § 69 Bußgeldvorschriften

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 11.12.2024